Year after year BBA//Fjeldco ranks as a top tier law firm. We are proud to be a leading law firm in Iceland, confirmed by the world's most prestigious international rating agencies. These are the the reviews of IFLR 1000, The Legal 500 and Chambers and Partners.
The Legal 500 is widely regarded as offering objective and expert judgement of law firm capabilities. It is an independent guide, with firms and individuals being recommended purely on merit as a result of widespread surveying and research.
In their 2023 edition, the Legal 500 rankes BBA//Fjeldco once again as a top tier law firm in all of the firms main practice areas, covered by their ranking this year. Read More.

Chambers and Partners is an independent research company operating across 200 jurisdictions delivering detailed rankings and insight into the world’s leading lawyers. Their Research Analysts interview thousands of lawyers and their clients around the world. According to them, this intensive, continuous research identifies the world’s leading lawyers and law firms- those which perform best according to the criteria most valued by clients and no lawyer can buy their way into their rankings.
Chambers and Partners have once again rated BBA as a leading law firm in corporate and commercial law. This is what they have to say about the firm.
